What’s On Magazine Valentine picture special at The White Horse, Hurst Green.
**Click Here** for the pictures.
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computer has the latest Adobe Flash Player. You can get it HERE.
The featured music is from Dean Ager’s new album ‘Sentimental’.
Steve Bloom is a photographic artist who specializes in evocative images of the natural world. Read our exclusive interview in this month’s What’s On Magazine.
Steve Bloom has won awards for his work and his pictures are seen around the world in calendars, posters, advertising, editorial features and a multitude of other products. His books have been published in fifteen languages. Professional Photographer Magazine described him as a ‘photographer at the leading edge who sets the agenda for the future’.
Steve has recently released two new books. ‘Elephant!’ and ‘Spirit of the Wild’ both published by Thames & Hudson.
Spirit of the Wild. ISBN: 0-500-51320-1 RRP: – £18.95
Elephant! ISBN: 050051321X RRP: – £24.95
See http://www.stevebloom.com/
The fantastic Band ‘Latin Fiesta’ sent temperatures soaring at a recent charity raising event at The Spa Hotel, Royal Tunbridge Wells, hosted by Virgen Blanca winery Navarra Spain to celebrate their 50th Anniversary. The fund raising extravaganza raised over £3000 for Scott Griffin to overcome the challenges of Autism. It was organised by Beverly and Kevin Griffin of Maison du Vin, Moor Hill, Hawkhurst.
**Click Here** for the pictures.
If you have any problems viewing the pictures, make sure your
computer has the latest Adobe Flash Player. You can get it HERE.
The featured music is from Dean Ager’s new album ‘Sentimental’.